I work in Tech, my first contact with blockchain and cryptocurrencies was through the University of Nicosia Digital Currency Program (MOOC) in 2019, and have since learned more about the technology and the marketplace through personal participation in the ecosystem.
I love tech - my primary job is in IT, but more interesting, I am fascinated by Blockchain technology and the potential it holds to impact society. Plus the potential financial benefits involved in actively participating in the ecosystem.
My biggest mentor in the field is Andreas Antonopoulos - one of the tutors of the Online Digital Currencies Program by the University of Nicosia, and a notable voice in the crypto community - believes that Blockchain will eventually reach a point where it will be mainstream, with application beyond finance. I share this point also, and that is why I love the technology.

I am currently very active within the Gitcoin Community, contributing ( skills, knowledge, and finance) to the development of different Open Source Projects.

I will be sharing my experience in the Cryptocurrency marketplace- NFTs,  Ethereum Layer 2, Gitcoin Community, DApps (decentralized exchanges in particular) and how I work to better understand the technology.

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Our mission is make it easier for beginner to understand the complexities of digital currencies and blockchain technology, making them accessible and understandable for everyone.

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Learning Adventure with Crypto

You learn to earn

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